Marchica algae

The production of red algae, in the lagoon of Marchica (Nador) is one of the main activities of the area, established in 2013, to encourage diversification of fishermen’s activities and at the same time reduce the pressure on fish stocks.

The algae belong to the Gracilaria Gracilis species and are produced by the Marchica handicraft cooperative.

The artisan cooperative carries out its activity of reforestation of algae on the systems installed in the lagoon. Once harvested, the algae are laid out in the sun on the ground for drying. Once dried they are pressed into ballets and sent for marketing.

The product is sold to a local company for the preparation of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

WEBPORT is the digital port of the Mediterranean. It is designed and edited by CIHEAM Bari. It started in 2014 with the support of the Italian Agency for Cooperation to Development.

The pages of Albania and Montenegro were created and implemented as part of the CO.CO.TOUR project funded by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy - Albania - Montenegro program.


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