don't go to algeria

“Don’t go to Algeria”

Under the nickname “Tolt”, Benjamin Martinie describe his travels, providing suggestions based on his experiences.

In summer 2017 he visited Algeria. He published a video that became viral in a very short time: “Don’t go to Algeria”.In the video, he likes to debunk all the commonplaces related to Algeria (the lack of security, the history of poverty in the Country, …). He concludes that you don’t have to go to Algeria because you will want to remain there and you will won’t come back.

His articles, appeared on “National Geographic”, “ABC” and “The New York Times”, describing the snowy dunes of Ain Sefra, the best 10 tourist destinations of 2018 and Constantiné, also mentioned in”USA Today”, have directed the foreign media’s attention (finally positive) on Algeria and its tourist heritage.

WEBPORT is the digital port of the Mediterranean. It is designed and edited by CIHEAM Bari. It started in 2014 with the support of the Italian Agency for Cooperation to Development.

The pages of Albania and Montenegro were created and implemented as part of the CO.CO.TOUR project funded by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy - Albania - Montenegro program.


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