With Webport towards the creation of a network of “Mediterranean” schools
The Mediterranean communities of Webport were also present at the event organized by “Il Veliero Parlante“, which was held on Friday 17 May, in Lecce (Italy).
Il Veliero Parlante is the network of 52 schools in Puglia, in the provinces of Lecce and Brindisi, which collaborate to find new forms of teaching matrix laboratory, in line with the objectives of sustainable development of “Agenda 2030”.
A connection was set up, for the occasion, at the Manifatture Knos in Lecce that hosted, from 11 to 18 May, the final event of Il Veliero Parlante 2019, in order to return the results and to share the experiences acquired by the students thanks to the educational path undertaken.
The meeting opened with the presentation of CIHEAM Bari, creator (together with the Italian Cooperation) and manager of Webport and its cooperation activities, in favour of the fragile communities of the Mediterranean, the digital port Webport and the Port Museum of Tricase, as a good practice and model to be exported in the Mediterranean context.
Prof. Ornella Castellano, coordinator of the network of Il Veliero Parlante, invited the communities present to start together an educational path useful to meet again next year, to share concrete results of progress achieved through cooperation. All participants immediately expressed their appreciation for the proposal put forward by Prof. Castellano declaring, immediately, their willingness to research and select schools.
In addition to the students from the 52 schools involved, the meeting was also attended by teachers and school managers and numerous visitors.