Siwa’s house-museum

The House-Museum of Siwa is located in a traditional house and was built thanks to a grant from the Canadian government to safeguard the architectural heritage and the uniqueness of the oasis. A Canadian diplomat proposed its construction following the damage caused by the rains that destroyed many houses in 1926.

The traditional houses were in fact built with karshif, a salt-impregnated dried mud. Roofs and doors were made using the palm trees very present in the oasis. The logs were used for the construction of the roofs and the fronds for the doors.

Inside the house-museum are collected many objects of everyday life, but also silver jewelry, musical instruments, traditional clothes, ceramics and handmade baskets.

WEBPORT is the digital port of the Mediterranean. It is designed and edited by CIHEAM Bari. It started in 2014 with the support of the Italian Agency for Cooperation to Development.

The pages of Albania and Montenegro were created and implemented as part of the CO.CO.TOUR project funded by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy - Albania - Montenegro program.


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