NEMO WEBINAR | The Algerian gastronomic tradition
WEBPORT continues to tell the gastronomic tradition of the Mediterranean communities.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019, the Webinar “Tutorial on the preparation of typical dishes of the Algerian gastronomic tradition“, featured the community of Algiers, engaged in the presentation of four recipes of their own tradition. The meeting was also organized thanks to the collaboration of the Directorate of Fisheries and Fishery Resources of the Wilaya of Algiers and saw the presence of “Les jeunes de la pêche maritime” Association.
As always, very interesting was the exchange of knowledge and experience among the participants who were able to compare their gastronomic tradition with that of Algerian, discovering many differences but even more so many common elements.
The online meetings on the digital port WEBPORT are among the activities of the NEMO program, activated by Ciheam – Bari and financed by the General Directorate for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.