Associazione di Matrouh per lo sviluppo agricolo nel deserto

Meeting of the “Matrouh Association for Desert Agricultural Development”

On 7th March 2017, the NEMO Egypt Project organized the first meeting of the Matrouh Association for Desert Agricultural Development- MADAD.

At the beginning of the meeting the members for the board of directors were elected: Mr. Abulaziz Waer Ali – President; Mr. Abd Almoaty Abdulsameea Senusi – General Secretary; Mr. Ramadan Senusi Abo-Shnaf – Treasurer; Mr. Baset Haroun Bader Hussain – Board Member; Mr Hamad Negm Eldeen Zafer Elmadani – Member of the Council.

Subsequently, Dr. Abdullah Shafie – Consultant of KEF – presented the administrative and financial management of the Association. Furthermore, he introduced the marketing guidelines and an investment plan suitable for development.

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